I am taking my photography more seriously now.
I think it goes hand and hand with scrapbooking! LOL
I am paying closer attention to detail...
Cropping more closely..
Paying attention to background..
Paying attention to lighting...
One of my goals is to learn PHOTOGRAPHY, like really learn it. For real. For reals! LOL
I have always loved pictures...
Even as a child, I would grab photo album, and for hours on end, flip through picture after picture.
My aunt Virgie took hundred of photos and quickly put them into albums after every event. I loved going into her bookshelf and looking at photos from our family reunion, or my 3rd birthday party.
My mom took photos, but not like that!
that is where my love of taking pictures came from, Aunt Virgie!
Right now, I have a point and shoot Canon S5, with manual capabilites.
I have never owned a SLR and frankly I don't understand how to work in manual settings so I didn't opt for such a high end camera, but I am rethinking that as we speak..
I love my s5 and it has very high ratings! It is very much like an SLR. I can shoot in manual setting, it has optional lenses, filters, and flash!
I was thinking of getting either a Rebel XTI or 40D, not sure as of yet.
I really should take a class or get some books to learn how to shoot in manual settings to get the best use out of my camera.
I love digital photography and I was one of the biggest skeptics at first..
But, I don't want to always have to edit my photos.
I want to be able to get a good shot, without altering it...
I don't have any fancy programs, well I do...I just don't know how to use them. I have CS3 and Aperture, but I edit most of my photos in IPHOTO!
I am not good with technicality....LOL
I need to get some books of picture editing as well.
I have been looking in a lot of Digital Photography magazines and am learning a lot ...
Another area, I need to work on is Picture Printing, I rarely print at home.
I either go to Ritz (love the white border they put around the photos), but they are pricey, so I mostly use Walgreens (use hubby discount), or use an online company! Right now I have a 3 and 1 Canon MP5000 series printer, it is good, but I want a printer specifically for printing pics up to 8x10 or atleast 5x7. I want to be able to edit on the printer, add special features like white borders, LOL, and not pay 5 billion dollars for it, any suggestions???????
Also, any camera suggestions would be nice too.???
If you have any book suggestions for working with a DSLR and photo editing, that would be great too!
I am thinking of joining some of the photography challenges too!
Most of my greatest shots have been random flukes! When I try to hard, those are the worst pics ever, but when I just go for it, I get great shots. Crazy, but true.
I think I will go by the library and get a few books on digital photography, this week!
I am excited! Can you tell?