Friday, July 09, 2010

Let's Talk Eclipse (May contain some spoilers)

I honestly LOVED THIS MOVIE! In my opinion, It was the best of the 3! And it really stuck to storyline which really, really, really impressed me! We went to the midnight showing, got great seats! But, there were so many teens there chanting their teams, that a lot of the movie got lost with their soundtrack, but I knew this would be the case......If I didn't hear I love you Edward or I love you Jacob, Marry me Jacob, a million times, but It made it fun! Even Jaree yelled out TEAM JACOB BABY!!!!! That's my daughter, I am so TEam Jacob! I was team Edward, until New Moon, when he left Bella.........I know he had reasons, but still! Plus, Jacob is a bad boy, hella sexy!!!! LOL

This movie HAD ME ON THE EDGE OF MY SEAT!!!! It was jammed packed.........with ACTION. I wished they could have made it into two films because, I wanted so much more.....

The fight scenes were amazing and I am so glad that you really get to see Jasper and his story! This boy is AMAZING!!!!!!! But Alice! That is all I am going to say, that girl is NOTHING TO BE TAKEN LIGHTLY.........

I WAS HOPING THEY WERE NOT GOING TO LEAVE THE RED HEADED WOMAN story out! I was so pleased that it showed how the cold ones and the wolves became important to this particular story, and to see them come together was amazing.....

I must say Emmet was looking mighty good in this film.....CAUGHT MY EYE.....LOL

I just loved the movie and I will be camped out at Walmart getting my Special Edition DVD when it comes out in November or December~~~

I ended up taking all the kids and my niece and nephew Aaron and Aaliyah, and MOM TOO...she was asking questions from the beginning to the end......I was like WTF, READ THE BOOKS....I WANT TO SEE THIS.....when i stopped answering the questions and shifted my posture in an opposite direction, she got the picture.....she would have killed us if we said one word during THE GODFATHER AND ALL IT'S SAGA, we couldn't ask her shit! LOL

But my niece Aaliyah, is hilarious, Jaree and I are both Team Jacob, Baptiste says he's team BELLA, that boy is a fool, but anyway my niece said she's team JEDWARD, she loves Jacob and Edward....we all fell out laughing......

I got a chance to see it again and it was soooooo much I missed or didn't hear, and I loved it even more the second time around........and I can see a third time, reallllllly soon! My friend Adrienne, got me hooked ....I read all the books, and I just bought the other book, about Bree the newborn, and I plan to start reading on MOnday!!!!!! Gonna make a Border's run!

But I give it 2 thumbs up.....and would definitely recommend it to you Twilight fans!!!!!

I had to devote a whole blog about this....

so much more I want to say, but I don't want to spoil it alllllllll! LOL
so until next time

Thursday, July 08, 2010

Sometimes, when....

so much happens in your all at one tend to think it's attack.....and for me I began to lose my faith! We were hit with so many tragedies, that I cannnnnnnnnnot even begin to count them all! Losing my father, my niece was missing, my brother almost died of a ruptured appendix, my nephew becoming paralyzed, and then dying, and so much OTHER just becomes too much!!!!!! Too much for any ONE PERSON to bear......

I have really been struggling.....I mean really struggling, so much that I even thought about GIVING UP AND GIVING IN......

My mother is LOST without my dad.........and I see her breaking down every SINGLE DAY.....It breaks my heart, but at the same time IT DRAINS ALL THE LIFE OUT OF ME..... I feel helpless all over again, I couldn't save my dad and I can't think of anything to say or do, so that my mom won't be in so much pain, I can't help her because I can't even help myself.....

My dad was EVERYTHING to our family. He did EVERYTHING.....He KNEW how to do ANYTHING.......I called him for just about EVERYTHING......and he would fuss and cuss me out, but HE LOOOOOVED DOING THINGS FOR ME.....because I was "HIS BABY".


then my nephew. so full of life and promise.......WHY?????????
HE wasn't out here thugging, robbing, stealing, killing.......He was a good kid....

I just really don't know how I am going to get thru this...
I don't see light at the end of the tunnel....

As soon as I get HALF WAY ok....THOUGHTS FLOOD MY MIND, and I am right back at square one....I just don't see and ending....

I try so hard, to be who I WAS, before this happened, but MAYBE I HAVE TO ACCEPT THIS CHANGE, because I am not the same......I took 2 massive blows to my heart......I just don't see me being that HAPPY GO LUCKY, SILLY, CRAZY, FUNNY, FUN....DANA....

SOMETIMES I FEEL LIKE A KILL JOY and I don't like going out anymore....I just don't want to bring other people down, because I am hurting, KWIM???????

Well, maybe you don't know what I mean, but I am HURTING so bad.....


because I am NOT in the MOST STABLE FRAME OF MIND, I could literally rip somebody apart with my bare hands......THAT'S HOW MUCH PINNED UP FRUSTRATION I HAVE.....

So, I try very hard not to let PEOPLE make me mad, because I am gonna be honest.....I HAVE THE WORST TEMPER......before I know it I black out and I have choked the shit out of someone or slapped the shit out of someone, or beat some one's ass, and I know that is not the answer and I have been working on that.........and praying about I try to just IMMEDIATELY calm myself down!!!!!!!!!!

I am not one FOR TALKING, I just can't sit there and argue, after awhile, IT GETS TO ME, AND I LEAP............I DON'T THINK.....and now I really don't know if I can control it, because of so many emotions that I am hit with everyday........

Again, just pray for my peace of mind, my strength, my patience, and my bad temper.....
I just don't want to do anything that I regret later.....

With all that being said, I am HUMAN, I make MISTAKES, if I step on your toes, IT'S NOT INTENTIONAL, just know that I am going through a lot and forgive me in Advance......

Had to get all this off my chest....
I don't mean any harm, it's just not a good time for BULLSHIT...

WELL, I think it's time for me to get on with the get on....