Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Crazy week ahead

The Fourht is fast approaching and my sister in law is getting married on the 5th!

Jaree is the flower girl. She has to get her hair done and she needs shoes.......Ugh!
So much to do!
Other news, we have a turtle on the loose in our house. I am so not hpapy about this. She jumped out of the tank, after climbing out from her turtle dock. I am so peeved11!

We have to find her soon!

We went to see WANTED! With Angelina Jolie. It was pretty good!

I am just enjoying my summer, how about you!

Things are about to get hectic around here....

So I will post when I get a chance...


Bonita Rose said...

sounds busy! Enjoy your holiday weekend!

CircesMagic said...

Hope the wedding was a huge success and the weather beautiful...can't wait to see pictures!