Friday, August 11, 2006

My baby is starting high school

I am officially OLD! That's right! I have a son that is starting high school Wednesday. I can't believe it. He grew up entirely too fast! I remember when he couldn't even say school he said "cool". LOL He used to say "I go to 'cool on the 'cool bus with the kids", totally used to crack me up! Now he is a little man! Well not so little... He is already 5'9 and 135 lbs. He towers over me now. Doesn't take much I am only 5

He is bugging his dad and I, he wants to get his ear pierced, but dad isn't having it. He has been wearing those little magnet thingies....but he wants to real thing. He is a good kid, I don't mind him getting it done, but dad says no! We'll see what the verdict is by the end of next week when school starts!

I have been super busy getting the house in order, school is coming so I want everything to be in order. I washed all the laundry and cleaned all the closets. I don't like scrambling in the morning, so I got all the rooms and closets cleaned for school! Nothing like trying to find a shoe at 6am.

I had my niece and nephew Aaron and Aaliyah for a week, they finally went home today. They totally did not want to go! But "TT Dana", needed some down That's what they call me!

Right now I am about to wash the dinner dishes, mop the floor and get ready for night night! My husband is doing a gig tonight and won't be home until the wee hours of the moring. I probably will be calling the hogs by

Until next time

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a handsome man you have! I have a 5th grader and feel OLD sometimes! LOL