Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Today is 6-6-6, call me superstitious but it gives me the willies! Can't wait until tommorrow....lol. My dh and I are going to see the Omen, on Friday, at a place called Dinner and a movie. It's so nice, they serve you dinner and you sit in the most comfortable leather recliners. It's called Hollywood Blvd. Not taking the kids to see this one, no way, now how. My teenager is going with friends, but not my 9 and 7 year old. Especially the 7 year old, she would be in my bed for days. I learned my lesson with that....lol

Today, I don't have nothing much planned. I am going to clean out my closet. It's horrible. Other than that, who knows. I did pick up two mags yesterday. The new Memory Makers and the June/July Scrapbook Answers, so I will be reading those. I am retreating to the house today. LOL



Anonymous said...

Eek...I didn't realize that.

Lyrically speaking said...

Wow, you're going to see the Omen, I might have to go solo to see it since my friends are not into scary movies. I remembered the first Damian movie and back then I didn't sleep for days, lol

Lyrically speaking said...

Wow, you're going to see the Omen, I might have to go solo to see it since my friends are not into scary movies. I remembered the first Damian movie and back then I didn't sleep for days, lol

justem said...

I HATE scary movies. I am such a big scaredy cat. Seriously...Harry Potter scared me!!! :)