Tuesday, December 12, 2006

The N-word.....

do you think it should be stricken from our language? I have to admit, I have used the word alot, but it was never used to demean or hurt someone. It's sad to say in my case, it's a term of endearment or just an adjective. I guess you are wondering why I am bringing up such a toucy subject...well I was watching the Real World and a white guy called another black a NIGGER! He said it in a way that was to hurt and demean and it really pissed me off. However, I use the word myself from time to time. Don't use it as much as I did in my teenage years....but it made me really examine my life.

I get so sick of people blaming alcohol on their actions. Basically, I think your true colors come out when you are under the influence. Their are no inhibitions. This kid blamed alchohol for him calling him the N-word. I was soooooo angry, that I wanted to jump thru the television and slap this kids face completely off... and then I thought to myself, I use the word, maybe I need to stop too! It's such an ugly word. Especially when it's used to demean someone. So from this day forward, I am not going to use it in anyway...because it is truly an awful word. I know people may say that "sticks and stones crap", but words DO HURT! Sometimes they hurt more than if someone had physically come up to you and smacked you in the face!

I have been called the N-word plenty of times, especially in high school! I went to a predominantly white high school and you had that handfull of kids who went there. Back then, I had zero tolerance, and got plenty of fights over this very thing. Needless to say, those who I fought, never fixed their mouths to call me that again, but they didn't learn their lesson, because they started to pick on other children. I hated going to my high school, then one day we had a MEDIATION group, in which, 7 peer counselors, and 4 counselors came to the school and put us into groups. We each got a chance to say how we truly felt and that opened up the door. Two of the girls, that called me the N-word are good friend of mine to this day! Our children play with each other and we broke down that wall that stood between us. We found that we had more in common than we once thought! We enjoyed a lot of the same things, and even changed her parents mind about African Americans....Alot of people are afraid of the things unknown, scared of difference, scared of change, that is why racism exists...
If you truly get to know a person for who they are...and not what they look like, you may just find a friend for life...

I honestly don't look at people color first ( I am color blind), we are all God's children, and the only race of people is the HUMAN race. We need to look at animals. Does a black dog care if he mates with a brown dog? Does a black cat care if he mates with a orange tabby? NO! We need to be the same way in our interactions with each other. God is LOve and he Loves all! We should too!

I hope I didn't offend anyone in my post today! I am a real person, and I share with you my real feelings.... No masks, no faking, just keeping it real!

Until next time...
Btw, what are your thoughts about this?



justem said...

Hate it. Hate it. Hate it. I hate anything that has a derogatory meaning. I don't like slurs against any group of people. No one deserves that. And, I have to say...I think you are right to not say that word, Dana. I don't think that words should be situational. If it's bad, it's bad...in all situations. I am like you. I don't look at people's skin color. Unfortunately, that's not the case with a lot of my neighbors. I hate it. Argh. Okay now I'm all riled up. I just wish these nasty beliefs didn't exist and everyone could live together peacefully. Wow. Long post. Sorry...can you tell this is something that is important to me??? ;)

Brown English Muffin said...

I watch the real world....and that episode was crazy...especially as it all started because the white guy walked away while the black guy was being called the N word and then that's what started the fight that led to the white guy using the word...

What really made me mad was how the bigger black guy walked away from him 3 times and he STILL kept atagonizing him...this had nothing to do with black and white at all but I so wanted to just punch the white guy myself as by that point he deserved to get punched.

Did you see previews for the later episodes? Don't you know the white guy gets called the F word (as he's gay) and the black guy stands up for him...now that's nice!! (And talk about what goes around comes around).

I don't find myself using the word at all as my husband makes fun of me because many curse words and demeaning words sound funny with a british accent and don't come out mean at all...so instead of getting laughed at I just don't use them!! LOL