It's sad to think I don't have any babies anymore! I love the hustle and bustle of Christmas. I love shopping! My mom said I should be glad I don't have to get all those toys but it makes me sad! Now this was Jaree's Christmas in 2006. I KNOW RIDICULOUS!!!!!!
She wanted them damn talking bratz twins. I had to go to 6 different toys r us until I found it!!!!!!
Click here for Christmas 2007: Jaree's Christmas, you will see it was just slightly smaller! Very slight! LOL
Then Christmas 2008 Considerably less toys more games and gadgets, same this year!!!! I just want to cry!!!!!!!
I hate to see my kids grow up! I mean I hate it!!!!!!
When I see other parents buying their kids toys and dolls and hot wheels cars, and nerf guns, racing tracks, it makes me miss those days!!!!
I don't know call me crazy! But it just makes me sad!!!!!!!!
You can click on the pics to make them bigger!
Does anyone else with older kids feel this way????? Or is it just me?
I am about to go cry now, until next time!!!
My daughters are 19 & 20 and I can say loud n' proud that I am HAPPY.AS.HELL I no longer have to buy 1001 toys.
My youngest is 10 and even he's NOT interested in em'.
The boy is a video game junkie so thankfully, this year I will be in an out of gamestop in a flash.
::Doin' the happy dance!!!:: LOL
Girl you know they grow up lol.
I was thinking that this year. All the kids have asked for is games/gadgets/and CLOTHES. Easy shoping, but definitely will be slightly let-downish come Christmas morning when they only open up their few requested items and we're down in less than 10 minutes. I know I should be grateful that the growth has made it easier, but I really did enjoy the ripping open of multiple gifts. Hard to get multiple games when they're $50-$60 a whack! :)
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