Wednesday, November 26, 2008

For Sale

For a good price!!! These 3 kids are driving me NUTS, with their constant bickering. I litterally had to tackle Jariel and B, because they were fighting in my living room. I don't play that fighting crap!! Jaree tried to break it up and got hit in the mouth! I am going to kill somebody up in here today. I am trying to be THANKFUL for these kids right now......

I don't know what is about having time out of school that makes them want to kill each other, but I am not standing for it....

I took all their privileges away for the day! Bee wants to go with friends. NO SIR!!! You fight your brother, you don't get SHIT!!!!!!!

I am going to require Prozac after this weekend....

Pray for me....LOL


Adrienne said...

HA! I feel ya girl! I FEEL YA! LOL

Cassandra said...

I feel your pain! My kids are at it constantly! I pray for the weekends they go to their dads.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving girl! Don't kill 'em. They get to clean up! :)

emily said...

Oh! I hope the weekend gets better! Or lock yourself in your room with your scrapping stuff! lol