Thursday, November 17, 2005

Calgon take me away

Well, I was sitting here thinking about what to write, but my daughter is crying like a baby because her brother ate her apple pie. I am about to go NUTS!!! I love my children but I love when they are at The dog is barking, because the kitten keeps jumping on his cage teasing him. The whole house is crazy!

I am happy to report that I did accomplish 6 loads of laundry. I also, managed to wash all the dishes and cook dinner, all before 7pm. Woohoo. Now I will be able to get some scrapping done and watch Night stalker.

My life is so boring! HA HA

I do plan on attending some scrapbooking crops in the future. I just really started geting back into scrapping. I took a very long hiatus. Almost a year to be exact. Just got out the groove of things. It still did not keep me from scrap

I must admit, I am more of a shopper than a scrapper....

I am a shopper in general. My weaknesses are purses and shoes...... I can spend a fortune. I have over 250 purses. Not all designer purses, but a vast majority...

I am also big on writing pens. I collect them! My mom always told me you cannot write with all of those pens!

I also collect Boyd Bears. I have been collecting since I was 5 years old. Haven't been buying much lately with the kids. They all have their collections. My sons collect swords and my daughter collects HELLO KITTY! So my collection has taken the back seat.

I am really getting into the Christmas spirit. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am a big kid when it comes to Christmas. I am really into it. It is the most wonderful time of the year for me. My kids were rolling their eyes at me today for singing Christmas carols. Hey! It's 21 degrees in Chicago so I have a right!

I am going to go do Christmas registries for the children on saturday. I tell them that I mail it off to Santa! REally, I am very forgetful and need to know what I am

My 13 year old made me cry because he does not want any toys this year. Just clothes, jewelry, and electronics. He is growing up to fast!

Well, that's enough ramblings to day. Lord knows I can go on forever.

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