Thursday, April 06, 2006

What's your flavor?

Ice cream is my biggest crutch in a jam. It is a total comfort food for me! I love ice cream! Some of my favorites include, Pistachio Almond, Butter Pecan, and Ben and Jerry Chunky Monkey Ice Cream. I have been known to get up in the middle of the night (my husband and I) and go to the local 24 hour Baskin Robbins/Dunkin Donuts. I always get a waffle cone of Pistachio Almond and Butter Pecan! I will also indulge myself from time to time with a oreo cookie or hawaiin breeze from Dairy Queen. Another weakness of mine is Apple Pie and I can only eat New York Vanilla on my apple pie. When summer hits, I must admit I chase the ice cream man down for some of that yummy Loony Tunes Superman Icecream. Boy is it good. Oh my God, now I am craving ice cream at 20 minutes to midnight. Bonnie Rose its all your


Leah's Crafty Life said...


I wish the ice cream man would come in our neighborhood, it's fun to see all the kids running for the ice cream truck - big kids too! :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but the question remains - did you make a midnight run to get some Pistachio Almond and Butter Pecan? LOL Hope ya did!

justem said...

All these ice cream posts are making me hungry!! I love ice cream, but I never really buy it for at home...just when we are out! I love that the new Coldstone in O.L. is within walking distance of my house!!

Anonymous said...

OHhh, I LOVE butterpecan, or praleins and cream!!!!!!