Monday, March 27, 2006

There outta be a law....

There outta be a law that people cannot drive slow in the fast lanes

There outta be a law that people don't blow their noses at the dinner table in restaurants

There outta be a law that nosey inlaws get an electric shock if caught snooping....

There outta be a law that stay at mom's becomes recognized as an occupation, and we get a pay check for

There outta be a law that there can be no rude comments made against scrapbooking or else its a 500 dollar penalty, given to the scrapper to buy scrapbook supplies

There outta be a law that stops children from talking back to

There outta be a law against people making in out in parks for all to see, and then me having to explain, why, to my 6 yr old

There should be a law against farting in public...eeeewwww

There should be a law against leaving the toilet seat up....

There should be a law that National Scrapbooking Day, becomes a National Holiday, paid time off...

There should be a law that racist people have to go live with a person of a different race for a month, and live their lifestyle

There should be a law that we respect and love our fellow man no matter what

That's all



Anonymous said...

Well said!

B said...

Toliet seat, inlaws, all the scrapbooking ones..., AND the mom one. Better than a paycheck - we should get an EXTRA $10,000 deductable on our income tax (at least $10,000) don't you think?