Thursday, November 09, 2006

I am very proud!

Of my babies Jariel and Jaree....

I went to Jaree's parent teacher conference last night and I was bracing myself, because Jaree can be a bit much sometimes.....LOL I was very pleased at what I heard. She is above average in every single subject! Especially reading and spelling. The teacher spoke very highly of Jaree. She got 100% on all of her reading and spelling assessessment. She tested at a 5th grade level in reading and she is only in 2nd. They said that she is an OVERACHIEVER...she has a passion for learning and that she will go very far. She was in the 95 percentile for all other subjects. We do have to work on her self control. Wow, to me this is hilarious, because I was the exact same way. I was always on the honor roll! However, I still got a check in exercise and self control. Mrs. Hearns (her teacher) says that Jaree wants to think for everyone else or answer all the questions, because she's alway 3 beats ahead, but she said that she has to remind Jaree constantly who the teacher is.....LOL I know this to be a FACT, because Jaree is very BOSSY!!! I was so proud. They are going to put her in a gifted program to push her to the limit. I am sooooo proud. I am extremely proud, because this is a child that they said would never walk nor talk. This is a child that said might be a vegetable. This is the child that said she had a 50/50 chance of living. This is the child who has suffered the worst seizures I have ever seen. This is the child that almost lost her battle to epilepsy in January of this year! So, excuse me for my enthusiasm here. I am sooooo proud of Jaree. I want it more for her than anyone else because she was not supposed to be where she is.... They told me that my baby had massive brain damage at birth...NOW LOOK AT HER....goes to show you that GOD is GOOD, GOD is ABLE, GOD in the ULTIMATE DECISION MAKER, there is Power in his name. I prayed for my baby, I didn't CLAIM what fate the doctors gave my baby, THE DEVIL IS A LIAR, and I called on my GOD, and he did not fail me. Gone let the church say Amen! LOL Felt like I was preaching for a moment. Again, I am so happy for Jaree. I could not be more proud! She defied all odds and is doing VERY WELL in school!!!! I'm a honor roll parent....wohoo!

As for Mr. Jariel, he did quite well. He got A's and B's and a C in reading. His teacher claims he is not reading at a 5th grade reading level. I don't understand this, but I have decided to put Jariel in a tutoring program to see where he is ..... He is very smart in Math, he is in the 100% percentile in his class. He is Math Mentor. He gets to go tutor other 4&5th graders in math. I was so proud. He is on student council. He is doing well in every subject but READING. So, I am going to read with him at home 30 minutes each day. It's not that he cannot read the words, he is not COMPREHENDING what he is reading. That is what is killing him. So I am going to go to the School store and get different workbooks that can help him. I am going to spend 30 minutes of my day dedicated to helping Jariel and his reading. I want him to excel and it is not going to get any easier. It's only going to get harder! I would be failing him as a parent, if I did not try to do everything I knew how to help. My brother had problems with reading, but he was a genius when it came to math. Reminds me of Jariel. Jariel is also a YOUNG SCIENTIST. He is in the 100% percentile in Science. They are having an awards ceremony in December, can't wait! I am going to be so proud.

As for my oldest son Bee, I am really disappointed with him. He is not doing so well in high school and it's really my fault. It's his cell phone! All he does is talk on the phone and get on the internet. His life consists of girls, cell phone, dancing (he has his own dance group), myspace, tagged, hanging out with friends, and did I mention girls. So many girls call here for him, I cannot keep up. As soon as he walks through the door, ring, ring, ring.... I have never seen the kid study. EVER! But, I was trying to treat him like a responsible young adult. YOu can't do that with BEE, you have to stay on top of him. So, now I have to be bitchy mom! He cannot talk on the cell phone until all his homework and chores are done, same thing goes for the computer. He cannot hang out with friends during the school week, and he has to put in atleast 3 hours of time at the library. I would be failing him as a mom, if I do not put my foot down. He is lucky his dad doesn't know. He would kill him. I told him that I am definitely showing him the report card, but I will give him a chance, since this is the progress report. I am soooooo disgusted with this kid. I do not like the teenage years, what I wouldn't do to make him a baby again. LOL

As for me, I am going to school this January to finish my Master's in Counseling Psychology. I only have 18 hours left. I am very excited! I am a counselor now in so many ways, all of my friends and family call me for advice. I also, will be working part time with my niece Talisa. She owns a store called Peaceful Inspirations. It's kind of a newage store, lots of healing crystals, meditation classes, deep tissue massages, readings....I am going to be teaching Visual Imagery Meditation. I did a few seminars right out of college with my teacher Dr. Dave, so she wants me to teach it once a week at her store. My niece is actually one month older than I am ......LOL But, she still respects me as her aunt. She calls me Auntee Dana and I feeel sooooooooo old.. She is doing really well and her and I are working on business stay tuned!

I am really excited how things are turning out for me, new job, new house, new car, going back to school......everything seems to be falling in place! I think everyone should have goals and dreams, if you don't I don't want to talk to you...LOL I don't think anyone should want to stay where they are at in life, it is always room for improvement. In 5 years, dh and I plan on getting a home built from the ground! That is our 5 year plan. Our 1 year plan is to invest into some real estate (that is where the money is at). He is planning on purchasing a 3 flat building and renting it out! I am so happy for him. He has been talking to some friends who are already into real estate. It's time to make money for ourselves. NObody ever got rich off a 9-5! Don't get me wrong, I don't want to be rich. However, I do want to be extremely comfortable.....LOL

Until next time



Benita said...

You should be proud! I also have a teenager, so I can completely associate with what you're going through there :(

Cheryl Wray said...

Great post today!! Sounds like Jaree is just one amazing child--you definitely should be proud of her! And you are so right--God can do amazing things in situations that people say is impossible!
Just keep after Bee! Stay on him and I bet he'll get back in line with his school stuff. Teenagers are not easy . . .

Anonymous said...

You have so much to be thankful for!! What a wonderful time for you all. Thank you for sharing your great news. Give your babies a hug - we're all proud of them!
He is Great, He is Able!

Bonita Rose said...

all wonderfulnews dana..hugs, good foryou... sounds like a neat job... etc.. and ur oldest.. keep on him... u need to set the example.. and get thru to him.. I am praying my girls aren't too much trouble at that age! btw, I will keep u updated on my studio unveiling date... wud be SO GREAT if you could come! wow!

justem said...

Congrats on the good news!! And a super big congrats that you are going to finish your Master...that's an awesome accomplishement!

Anonymous said...

You have every right to be proud!!!!!! Teenage years are ahead of lol