Tuesday, February 21, 2006

On the road again....

Road trip. If you could take a driving trip (in a reliable car!) and go anywhere in the country and take 2 of your scrapbooking friends/buddies/celebs with you-- Where would you go ?? Who would be the friends/people you would go with? What would you see? How long would you be gone?

If I could go on the road with two of my absolute favorite scrapping buddies or celebs who would I bring....wow, I would have to take NIA REDDY and my cousin Nataya...We would go on a scrapbook killing spree, killing our credit cards and pockets alike...we would travel to Twin Cities, I hear that their Archivers rock ...head on over to the mall of america and visit the QVC store....take plenty of pics to scrapbook. Hit every scrapbook store too and from MINNESOTA. I would be gone for one FULL WEEK. We would check in a nearby hotel, get some R&R, order in, watch a couple of chick flicks, hang out at the pool, spread all of my new scrapbooking goodies all over the bed, look at them and smile for hours, and crop away. I would insist Nia teach us some great tips and head home to the kiddies....

Wohooooo Sounds like fun...

I wish I could also stuff Lisa B, Heidi Swapp, Donna Downey, and Faye MB in my suit case..the more the merrier....lol


1 comment:

B said...

Minnesota ROCKS! MOA ROCKS!!! Archivers there ROCKS!! Too fun!!!! Of course it would be a FIVE star hotel so you would be pampered on top - you would be exhausted after all that shopping, scrapping, etc....