Friday, February 17, 2006

You know what? That makes me mad!

Do any of you remember Droopy, that's where I got my

I try not to get angry, because don't have the best

Things that make me angry

. leaving the toilet seat up in the middle of night, and I sit down fall in the toilet
. when people tell me I have gained weight. Once I said " oh really, I did, my mirror is broken"
. when people talk in the movies....why not pay them, and let them tell me the plot
. when someone messes with my children
. when my husband ignores me, intentional or otherwise
. racists and bigots anger me
. when my children ignore me or talk back....burns my butt
. when someone tells me how I should or shouldn't be raising my children
. when my inlaws comeover, they are total snoops
. when I get interrupted while talking...
. being lied to

Those are some of things that gets my blood a boiling....


Toya said...
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Toya said...

hey dana, I feel you on these things. especially racialism and unmannerly kids. I can't even look at my mom in a disgruntal way when I was a kid and now kids are actually hitting their parents, gripes me to the core, great post!

B said...

When someone tells me how to raise or not raise your kids!!!! AMEN SISTER!!!!!!!

Ingrid said...

Your list ROCKS!!! And the toilet seat thing craked me up ;-)